
Microsoft secure email issues
Microsoft secure email issues

This error might be caused due to this match in port numbers. Incorrect Port Numbers: Another obvious yet common reason is that you have the wrong port numbers entered in your mail server or in Outlook. You might have mistakenly typed in the wrong hostname at the time of configuration. Wrong Hostname: The most common reason behind this error is that you have the wrong hostname configured in Microsoft Outlook. Causes Behind security certificate error or ‘The Server You Are Connected to Is Using a Security Certificate That Cannot Be Verified’ Error Message But before diving into the solutions for fixing this certificate-not-secure-for-email issue, let’s first have a look at the reasons behind this error. In this post, we’ll cover simple steps through which you can get error past email certificate not secure error in Microsoft Outlook and head out to enjoy the lovely weather. Then we’ve got you covered with a solid umbrella. “Security certificate could not be verified”.The server you are connected to is using a security certificate that cannot be verified” or.

microsoft secure email issues

It’s all mild and pleasant until an occasional rain shower strikes you out of nowhere. Life with SSL/TLS certificates on your email server is a lot like the summer in London. We have the answers you need about the causes of your Outlook certificate problems and the antidote to fix them

Microsoft secure email issues